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YG982D-4 type Standard light source box
YG982D-4 type Standard light source box

YG982D-4 type Standard light source box
Model YG982D –4Standard llluminant of Colorimetry Box : FZ/T 01047—1997, ISO, ASTM, DIN, BSI, ANSI, CIE.
Used to measure the grade of chromatism, color fastness and printin sample with color. The properties should be in conformity with the requirment in FZ/1047-1997. ISO, ASTM, DIN, BSI, ANSI, CIE.
Main Technical Data: Ma
in Technical Data 1.D65 (PHILIPS TL`D 18W/965)D65 Lighting: Color tempertature Option 6500k. Color Rendering Index >92.
2.F/A (PHILIPS 60W E27): Color tempertature Option2700k.
3.UV (GEF20T12/BLB): UV Lighting 365nm. Load Crast wave length 365nm.
4.TL84 (PHILIPS TL`D 18W/840)Can be equipped with TL84. 4000k. Color tempertature Option 4000k 6. : Source:AC220V 50HZ
7.Outline size : Outline size: L710×W410×H570mm
8. Weight: 24kg
