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Y151 type Fiber friction coefficient meter
Y151 type Fiber friction coefficient meter

A, use
Used to determine the dynamic between the various textile fibers, static coefficient of friction, the movable fiber can be measured with a metal or nitrile rubber between the coefficient of static friction.
B, principle structure
The same pre-tension clamp together, suspended in a cylindrical measuring head of the instrument, the measuring head when the cylinder rotates with the cylinder surface due to the presence of fiber friction phenomenon, the rotational direction of the cylinder with the ends of the individual fibers at one end of pre-tension clamp will slide down, fell over the instrument torsion balance scales hook, measure the friction. The single rope and cylinder friction relationship: f / f0 = eμθ calculate the friction coefficient μ.
C, Main Technical Data
1, the torsion balance weighing: 250mg 2, cylindrical friction roller Diameter: Φ8mm
3, the friction roller speed: 0.9, 12, 30, 50, 90, 220, 410, 720 rpm
