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Y311 type evenness meter
Y311 type evenness meter

A, use
The instrument used to determine the cotton, wool, linen, silk sliver and roving evenness short segments.
B, principle structure
The instrument consists of a motor, gear box, the upper and lower guide wheel, zoom lever arm, hammer, gear, rack, pen and recording devices and other components. The motor drives the reducer so that the guide wheel is rotated at a constant speed of rotation while the recording paper, try feeding on the light, is between the lower guide wheels, the weight of the sample in a certain thickness of the guide wheel into the next, through the leverage sample uneven situation, rack and pinion gear lever between the change of the sample reflects the average thickness of the sample weight to maintain a certain tightness, uneven curve pen and recording device for recording the sample. Upper and lower guide wheel width have two grooves, which are used to test the sliver and roving.
C, the main technical indicators
1, the guide wheel width: 1.58,3.17mm
2, the guide wheel peripheral speed: 669.35mm / min
3, the leverage of the total magnification: 100 times
4, Hammer Weight: 1120g, 671g
5, record low speed:
1.2 times a. sample rate
1/10 b. sample rate
D, applicable standards
Textile products customized corporate standards.
