
Popular searches: YG028 Computer type Electronic universal testing machine
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YG041 type Raw cotton Impurity analysis machine
YG041 type Raw cotton Impurity analysis machine

This machine is used to analyze Raw cotton, lap trash content and various types of fiber (65㎜ less) containing defect amount. It uses fiber and impurity difference in specific gravity, after the fiber after carding impurities in the gas flow and fiber separation. It applies GB6499-1986 "Raw cotton trash content test method" in. Its analysis of similar domestic products in the current speed as the fastest.
Main Technical Data:
Laura Diameter: 57.15㎜
Machine width: 490㎜
Power supply voltage: 380V
Motor power: 0.8Kw
Outline size: 1019 × 715 × 874㎜
Weight: 250㎏
