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Y331AD type Yarn twist counter
Y331AD type Yarn twist counter

The instrument used to determine the cotton, wool, linen, Chemical fiber and other yarns twist, twist eccentricity, strand twist.
Structural principle:
The instrument consists of a control box (digital display), tension mechanism, insert Creel and other components. Host untwisting direction of rotation chuck, speed, start and stop by the control box, twist count by photoelectric conversion testing is displayed by the display box control digital twist. Adjustable instrument gauge, tension applied tension during the test by a vertical lever pointer, zero self-stop use of photoelectric sensors.
Main Technical Data
1, untwisting speed: 1000r / min, 800r / min, slow (adjustable)
2, the maximum length of the test specimen: 500mm
3, indicating the number of twist: 0.1 ~ 9999.9
4, untwisted chuck steering: forward and reverse rotation.
5, Transmission: belt drive motor alone
6, Outline size (L * W * H): 872 * 150 * 325 (mm)
Applicable Standards
1, GB / T 2543.1-2001 "Textiles - Determination of twist in yarn Part 1: Direct counting method"
GB / T2543.2-2001 "Textiles - Determination of twist in yarn Part 2: untwisting twisting Law"
