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YG108C type Color chart winding machine
YG108C type Color chart winding machine

YG108C type Digital Color chart winding machine
For the yarn-wound tissue with various synthetic materials and other suitable materials, such as wound. It is the latest product for winding various sample card design. Especially suitable for the following areas: Sample cards, whiteness measurement used, the UV detection, sample calibration, compare the color with UV detection, Clean degree with around color card, if you have other technical request, we will try to meet, at the same time provide you with yarn and cardboard.
The aircraft with American "Intel" company MCS-51 series single-chip control winding, brushless DC motor as the main power-free and adjustable winding stepper motor driven feed screw perform cable, way over the line using adjustable tension release thread over the line.
This machine is mainly used for the production of yarn color cards and other card type wound. 1-21 can be wound on a color in width 100-300mm length 10-80mm plate material can be customized more. You can set the card requires winding width, number of layers, setting parameters can all be saved permanently. Save microcontrollers, power is turned off is not lost.
(The machine can be around the coarse lines)
Main Specifications:
1, row around the diameter 0.02-1.5mm (limit 1.8)
2, cable travel 0-99.0mm
3, wound coils Diameter ≤100mm
4, cable initial position repeatability ≤0.02mm
5, workers digits 1 station
6, braking precision ≤0.1 turns
7, the number of automatic hop group ≤20 group
8, can store winding pattern ≤6 group
9, spindle speed 0-1000 rev / min stepless
10. Voltage 220 ~ V ± 5% 50Hz
11, gross weight 50 kg
12, Size: L810 × W400 × H400mm
