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Test equipment YG992-1 type Geotextile puncture tester
Test equipment YG992-1 type Geotextile puncture tester

A, use:
The instrument used to determine the extent and Geotextile Geotextile related products have been dropped from a fixed height of cone penetration of corruption.
B, the structural principle:
The machine consists of fall cone, box, holder and other components, when the specimen on the holder reliable gripping, the fall cone into the electromagnet, rely on electromagnetic force fall cone is adsorbed solid. When the fall cone was dropped in free fall on the sample, that is out of a hole in the specimen. After removing off the cone, cone measuring the amount of the hole Diameter.
C, Main Technical Data
1, the clamping ring inner diameter: 150 ± 0.5mm
2, fall cone release height: 500 ± 2mm
3, fall cone and guides Quality: 1000 ± 5g
4, the amount of cone mass: 600 ± 5g
5, Size: 400 * 400 * 787mm
D, applicable standards
1, in line with the international standard ISO / DIS 13433 "Geotextile Geotextile related products and dynamic - perforation test (cone drop test)"
2, in line with GB / T 17630-1998 "Geotextile Dynamic perforation test and related products - fall cone"
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