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LLX-2 type Centrifugal humidifying cooling machine
LLX-2 type Centrifugal humidifying cooling machine

LLX-2 type humidifier

1, LLX-1 type, LLX-2 type and DLX type centrifugal humidifier with a strong power, air fed fog distance, humidification large, etc., the maximum amount of humidification adjustable to 48Kg.

2, the reservoir bucket humidifier equipped, submersible pumps can also be used be used to wet cooling, disinfection, etc., with acid and so on.

3, can be intuitive for humidification (spraying amount) manual adjustment, can effectively operate on a Face targeted treatment disinfection.

4, the device also has a low price, low failure rate, easy to move fast.

5, DLX type ceiling centrifugal humidifier can swing around 120 degrees. Connected to the tap water, plug in the power can be used.

6, Power: AC220V 50Hz.

