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DSS-2A Digital flash speedometer
DSS-2A Digital flash speedometer

   DSS2A Digital flash speedometer is a speed measuring instruments, but also to the dynamic observation of the rotation of the steering discrimination. The instrument speed non-contact manner, the operation is simple, especially for speed micro-motors, textile spindles and small type electric tools, but it also can be widely used in mechanical, textile, light industry and measurement, schools , research and other departments

Main Technical Data

1 speed range:

A type: file 200--3000 rev / min

File 3000--20000 rev / min

B type: file 200--3000 rev / min

File 3000--35000 rev / min

Each stall continuously adjustable, covering each other between two tranches.

2. measurement precision: ± (1 × 10-4 × reading + 1) r / min

3 Show: Five-digit LED digital display.

4 Power: 220V10% maximum power consumption of less than 20W

5. Size: 220 × 94 × 74 毫米

6 Weight: 0 63 kg
