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272-A room type dry Wet bulb mercury temperature and humidity meter
272-A room type dry Wet bulb mercury temperature and humidity meter

272-A room type dry Wet bulb mercury temperature and humidity meter

  (Mill with mercury wet bulb temperature monitoring)

A, product description:

1. 272-A house type wet and dry bulb thermometer is an instrument measuring the indoor air temperature, air humidity of.

2. To measure the indoor space is air relative humidity and design, generally used for textile laboratories and other places.

3. The instrument need to be placed where the air flow (wind speed of about 0.12m / s).

4. Before using the first into the water level to be filled, and the wet ball gauze dipped in the bottle, must hold in order to raise the lower horizontal position. (Please read the manual before using)

5. The metal housing wall mounted use.

B, the structural principle:

By the same two ordinary thermometer composition, one for measuring air temperature, said dry bulb thermometer; another branch in the ball portion with distilled water soaked gauze wrap, gauze lower end immersed in distilled water, called the wet bulb thermometer. Because of the wet bulb thermometer wrapped gauze evaporated water absorbs heat, so the small number shows the number of shows than dry bulb thermometer. Wet bulb gauze often a new one. When the air is dry, wet bulb gauze evaporate faster, more heat, showing two thermometer difference is relatively large. Indication of the difference between two thermometers greater, indicating the dry air. When a lot of water vapor in the air, the wet bulb gauze slow evaporation, less heat, differential thermometer number two is small. It shows two thermometers difference is smaller, the more moist air.

C, Main Technical Data:

1. Outline size: 15.5 * 38 * 7cm.

2. range: -5 ~ + 50 ºC; scale: 0.5 ºC

3. Measuring Humidity: 0-100%; 1% accuracy.

4. Weight: 1 kg
