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Automotive interior materials level combustion meter QY328 type automotive interior materials burning tester
Automotive interior materials level combustion meter QY328 type automotive interior materials burning tester

QY328 type of automotive interior materials burning test instrument was developed in accordance with the national standard GB 8410-1994 (combustion characteristics of automotive interior materials) the technical requirements applicable to the identification of cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks and buses trim levels combustion of materials features.
A major technical indicators:
1 Bunsen burner flame applied time 15S;
9.5㎜ ± 0.1 mm internal diameter of 2 Bunsen burner;
3 Instrument Size about: 490㎜ × 210 mm × 460㎜
4 Ambient temperature: -5 ℃ --30 ℃
5 Relative humidity: ≤85%
6 Power: 220V 50HZ 100W
7 accuracy no less than 0.5s
8 Shape Dimensions Length 356mm Width 100mm thick ≤13mm.
9 burning rate V (mm / min) is calculated as follows:
V = (L / T) × 60
Where: L --- burnt distance mm
T --- combustion time spent distance L s
two. Combustion characteristics of interior materials must meet one of the following requirements.
1. Do not burn
2. Can burn, but burning rate is not more than 100mm / min, the burning surface of the cutting speed requirements do not apply for the specimen formed.
3. If you start counting from the test, the flame self extinguished within 60s, and combustion distance of not more than 50mm, is also considered to burning speed to meet the requirements of Article 2.
