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Test equipment YG992-5 type Geotextile thickness tester
Test equipment YG992-5 type Geotextile  thickness tester

This instrument test method for the determination of the thickness of geosynthetics at different pressures.
Applicable standards:
JTG E50-2006 "highway geosynthetic material testing procedures"; ISO9863-90 "geotextile thickness measurement method";
GB / T 13761.1-2009 "Geosynthetics under the provisions of Part 1 Determination of pressure thickness: determination of thickness of single product."
Structure principle
This instrument is mainly digital display table, the spindle, the reference plate, Press foot weight and increase the leverage counterweight. In operation, the sample is placed in the base plate, the base plate parallel with another round Press foot sample is applied to a predetermined pressure to the vertical distance between the two plates, as measured specimen thickness.
Main Specifications
1, the thickness measuring range: 0.01 ~ 30mm
2, the minimum display value: 0.01mm
3, Press foot Area: 25cm2
4, Press foot Weight: 5N; 2kpa
5, weight: 20kpa, 200kpa
6, reference plate: more than Φ50mm.
7, the leverage ratio: 1: 5
8, Outline size: 670 × 150 × 240mm
